سبحان الله
صار لي أسابيع أبحث عن الحل
ولما كتبت هالموضوع وصلتني هالطريقة..
1- First go to Options (on the right top of the screen)
2- Then click on General Preferences (it is in the 2nd row, 3rd option)
3- Scroll down now to see (Composing E-mails)
4- I am sure you're yahoo is selecting the 2nd option. Ok go ahead and change the selection to the first option which is (Compose messages as color and graphics )
5- Go to compose mail and be surprized.1- First go to Options (on the right top of the screen)
2- Then click on General Preferences (it is in the 2nd row, 3rd option)
3- Scroll down now to see (Composing E-mails)
4- I am sure you're yahoo is selecting the 2nd option. Ok go ahead and change the selection to the first option which is (Compose messages as color and graphics )
5- Go to compose mail and be surprized
إن شا الله تفيدك عزيزتي صانعة لأنها حلت لي المشكلة
وشكرا جزيلا جدا لمن دلني.. الله يبارك بهم